Signing up for sorority recruitment can bring a variety of questions to mind. What should I wear? When does it begin? Where will I find my home?
And with the questions also come concerns. Is this something that I will enjoy? Is it affordable? Will I be able to manage my time?
Luckily, JSU Panhellenic has an incredible event to help those considering going through recruitment combat any fears they may have. What is this event, you ask? The Summer Social!
The Summer Social is an optional event hosted by JSU Panhellenic for Potential New Members to find out everything they need to know about Fall Sorority Recruitment as well as meet incredible women from each of the five Panhellenic sororities on JSU’s campus.
This event is a light-hearted and fun way to get familiar with each organization while also answering any questions one might have about Fall recruitment.
Does your mom or any other family member have any questions or concerns? Bring them! At the summer social, each girl attending is invited to bring a guest! Just make sure to RSVP their name as well to the Panhellenic email!
Remember this event is optional, but we really encourage anyone considering Fall Recruitment to attend! Even if you are unsure about whether to rush in the fall, the Summer Social is the perfect way to help you decide!
Beginning college can be scary, but this event helps to ease those fears! Not only will you will meet members from each of JSU’s fantastic organizations, but you will also meet other young women going through exactly what you are! JSU Fraternity and Sorority Life want you to go Greek! The summer social could be the beginning of one of the best decisions you make in your college career!
The JSU Panhellenic Summer Social is July 29th! Make sure to RSVP to jaxstaterec@gmail.com.
We hope to see you there!