Alpha Omicron Pi encourages members to stand at all times for character, dignity, scholarship, and college loyalty. As a member of AOII, I have constantly been reminded of these qualities. Every sister is expected to live out these values to the fullest and carry the spirit of AOII into the world around them.

AOII encourages sisters to carry themselves with confidence and treat everyone they meet with respect. The Fraternity also holds members to high standards which helps sisters excel academically. Support provided by the chapter, scholarship programs, and fellow sisters make success attainable. Members of AOII are called to serve their chapter, the Fraternity, and the community around them. These qualities prepare our members to be excelling leaders on campus and far beyond.

Delta Epsilon has an amazing group of alumnae members that provide continuous support. AOII has truly shaped every woman that has joined the chapter, while equipping her with qualities that help her continue to be successful. AOII provides opportunities during college that will last a lifetime. There are endless ways to connect with alumnae in many different career fields.

Anytime myself or another sister needed support, an alumnae was always there to help. The AOII scholarship foundation has helped many sisters, including myself, pay for tuition. The connections in AOII are endless, and this Fraternity prepares you for the future way beyond four years. AOII has helped me form bonds with sisters that will last a lifetime… from working with sisters on campus, to living with sisters, and knowing that my sisters will stand by me on my wedding day. Alpha Omicron Pi is for life.