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6 Sorority Stereotypes Crushed


1. “Sorority girls are so dumb”

Seriously? My sorority’s top priority is grades. No one has ever encouraged me to maintain my grades like my sisters have (other than my parents… thanks mom and dad). Whether it’s study dates at the library or holding each other accountable for going to class, these girls encourage me like no other. Oh, and we received one of the top Greek GPA averages last semester (3.52)!

2. “The girls are all the same”

This could not be further from the truth. I’ve never seen such a diverse group of women. I have sisters who are super athletic and kill it at intramural games. Sisters who love to draw and paint. Sisters who love to write and blog. Sisters who are extremely musically inclined. Sisters who host bible studies once a week. Sisters who enjoy going out and having fun. We are all different, but we all share one common love. AOII.

3. “They don’t ACTUALLY care about their philanthropy”

Yes, I have heard this. AOII’s philanthropy is Arthritis Research. I have so many sisters who have family members and friends who have been affected by Arthritis. It’s heartbreaking, but that just gives us more reason to get excited about raising money for Arthritis Research. Our philanthropy events are some of our most exciting times of the year for us. Whether it’s the Pandapalooza 5k or the annual Mardi Gras Parade, we are always raising money with a smile on our face. That is because service is one of our main priorities, and we love raising money for a cause that affects so many people across the world.

4. “All sorority girls are stuck up”

I, personally, have received this comment many times (maybe because I’m an introvert who never smiles, lol). I really do not know a single one of my AOII sisters who is actually “stuck up”. They are always so kind to me and are willing to go out of their way to help anyone. My best friend, Riley Sitton, even won Miss Friendly for JSU this year. She is just one example, but I could name so many more sisters who are such a bright light in my life.

5. “They are all so fake”

My sisters are some of the realest people I have ever met. I would be lying if I said that we all got along 100% of the time. We butt heads sometimes and do not always see eye to eye, but I know every single one of my sisters are there for me, through the good and bad. They have been there for me through my struggles, boy problems, and the nights I have wanted to cry myself to sleep. I can never say it enough, but I am so thankful for such a supportive group of girls.

6. "You pay for your friends”.

Okay, so I know you have heard of this one. Yeah, it’s true that you pay dues. You pay to go to formal. You pay for t-shirts. But, do you pay for friends? Paying your dues for a sorority is no different than paying to be in a club in high school. Paying for formal is like paying for a ticket to prom. And honestly, you’re lying if you say you wouldn’t pay for a super cute t-shirt (extra-large of course, the only size t-shirt to wear). The benefits of my sorority FAR outweigh the cost. My sisters are my best friends. They have showed me strength, loyalty, and love. I know they’ll be there for me for the rest of my life. If anyone considers this “paying for my friends”, then I definitely do not pay enough.

I’m not here to tell you to join a sorority, or that everyone should go Greek. I am simply telling you about my journey. I hope that if you decide to go Greek and find your home, that you surround yourself with lifelong friends like I have!


Madison Shearer, PC '16

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