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5 Things You can Look Forward to as an AOII


With Fall Recruitment at Jacksonville State University less than 100 days away, I wanted to be sure to tell you just how excited you should be about going Greek! So, here are 5 things that you can look forward to as an AOII!

1.) Awesome Grades!

Ok, so we get it. You are coming to college to have a good time, but you know what makes those good times even better? Not having to stress about bad grades! This past semester AOII’s cumulative GPA was a 3.52 with more than 25 sisters having a 4.0 semester GPA. We are always so proud of our accomplishments, but we know grades like these wouldn’t be possible without our sisters by our side.

2.) Fun Times on The Hall

As an upcoming senior, I look back on my college years, and I can honestly say that the most fun I have had in school was living on the AOII Hall my sophomore year! It was an endless sleepover. You always had a new closet to raid and a different sister to do your makeup. The memories made that year will never be replaced, and it is all because of those sisters who became my very best friends.

3.) Fantastic Leadership Opportunities

In AOII, we want young women to lead! We have sisters involved in ambassadors, Freshman Forum, and Student Government. We have officers in various clubs on campus and we also encourage members to be officers in AOII. As AOIIs, we strive to represent ourselves, our organization, and our campus the best that we can. Encouragement from sisters is what inspires us to do so!

4.) A Fam Jam

You know that saying, "you can’t choose your family”? Well in AOII, that couldn’t be farther from the truth! For the first time in your life, you do get to choose your family! AOII has brought me the best big, grand big, perfect littles, and grand little! And just so you know, It’s ok to be a basic sorority girl and only refer to them by Little or Big because what’s the fun in calling them by their real name?!

5.) A Support System Like No Other

After rereading the first four, I found a common theme, and that was that without a support system, none of those other things would be possible. The memories, the laughter, the opportunities, everything would not happen if you didn’t have those sisters there cheering you on. Through this organization, I have found my study buddies, my encouragers, my best friends, my bridesmaids, my sisters. They have watched me grow up and taught me how to love. They have been there through the laughter and the tears and helped me to become the very best version of myself. As I look back on the past 3 years, I have realized how quickly AOII became my home, and maybe it will be exactly what you are looking for, too.


Claire Davis, PC '15

Fav Rom-Com: 27 Dresses

Dream Vacay: Santorini, Greece!

Celeb Crush: Zac Efron



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